Post Pandemic Fashion

By: Israel Cassol

The crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic will cause profound economic, social and organisational change. Unfortunately, many companies are only concerned with immediate survival. The survival instinct always speaks louder in any situation, and with industries, it is no different.

But how will the fashion industry react after the pandemic? What will this new world look like after COVID-19?

Cancelled shows have a significant impact on fashion. Shows without an audience are the new fashion in the world at fashion weeks. We need to get used to it, but it's not easy. That fashion week rush won't come back for a while. The big brands need the shows to launch their trends, and they need to sell. But are people consuming these trends?

We are consuming less; yes, we are no longer like before. The pandemic made people reflect on how they consume, including me! The brands aren't selling anything, they're at a standstill, and those who enter with force are the thrift stores now.

Brechos are on the rise during the pandemic, and it is attractive to people. You find pieces you never thought you'd find. The pandemic came to slow us down in the way we consume fashion as well. We are looking for more sustainable pieces, this was already happening even before the pandemic! But now it's our reality. Some of us are going to come out of this crisis poorer, but what matters is that we survived the pandemic. And remember, fashion has had other crises and emerged from them. I'm sure you'll come out of this too.

Thanks to God, people became aware during the pandemic that in order to live, we need little. That “crazy” consumerism is behind us, and who appreciates all this??? OUR PLANET!!

Fernanda Andrade

Journalist and Founder Avesso Magazine


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